Tuesday, June 05, 2007

cleanliness is next to...


Yes, that's right, you read correctly: I hate bathrooms. In particular, I hate MY bathroom. GODDAMNIT, every time I turn around, the thing needs cleaning. EVERY TIME. Fairly obviously, this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that last time I turned around I didn't clean it, but that's NOT THE POINT.

Neither my dear brother nor I are the neatest of creatures, and more often than not both of our bedrooms look somewhat like the Middle East in the 90s. However, despite being untidy, our rooms are quite CLEAN.

The bathroom is not.

I don't know how, I really don't, but that place is just a magnet for dust and hair. I have now reached the point that I can't even quite bring myself to clean it, because I know that within 5 minutes of making it sparkle, hurricane Jason will hit again and all of my hard work will be for nought. The most frustrating thing is that HE makes the mess (obviously I am clean and pure and therefore leave no dirt), but HE doesn't know how to clean. LITERALLY PEOPLE - the boy is nearly 24 years old and he thinks that I can't tell whether he's cleaned the shower or not. He HONESTLY believes that you can't see it. I've given up even nagging him to HELP me clean it any more, because I know I'll just have to do it all over again.

Really what it all comes down to is that to keep the bathroom clean, you have to actually consistently clean it, and as anybody who knows me knows, I HATE cleaning, and I am anything but consistent. It's just easier to hate the bathroom.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh arent you just the cleanly angel! i really have to wonder about your view of the mess... i thought that YOU made it all

either way, mum cleaned the bathroom this morning. she wasn't too happy about it either, kept muttering for a full half an hour under her breath. but its done, mission accomplished :-)