Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Normalcy. Or lack of it.

I work a lot. Really. A lot. I recently realised that from Sunday night until Friday night, I usually do absolutely nothing social. I start work at 8am, I finish work at 8.30pm, I go to the gym, I go home and I go to bed. I’m a very social person, but I struggle even to find time to talk to my friends during the week… unless it involves msn during the day at work!

This made me wonder. Is this normal? Going out on a school night is just impossible for me these days. I feel like I’m getting old. I’m 22 ferchrissake. TWENTY.TWO.YEARS.OLD. Not forty. I should be able to roll in to bed at 3 or 4am and get up at 7 and go to work and be ok. Shouldn’t I? I mean, I used to do it. A LOT. Too much probably, but lots of people I know who are my age and older do it all the time. They go out, they party, they go to work.

I guess the thing these days is that I’m not just working in a retail store with a bunch of people I’m friends with. I don’t just have to rock up to a uni lecture for a couple of hours and pretend to look like I’m awake. I have a “proper” job, in a “proper” office, and I have to do “proper” work and I work 12 or 13 hour days. Every day of the week. That’s right, EVERY DAY. So perhaps it’s not normal that I don’t go out, but I’ve never really much cared for being normal.

1 comment:

richardwatts said...

Normality sucks.