Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Imagine you are me. Go on, I know it will be hard to imagine being as cool as me, but for the sake of this story, please at least give it a go.

OK, so you're me. It's 8.40am on a Tuesday and you're running slightly late. It's not a panicked kind of late like "oh shit i'm going to get fired because i'm late for the 29th day in a row." It's more of an "I'm going to be a bit late, but that's ok because i had a fabulously relaxing night sitting on my bed in my pyjamas drinking a slurpee with my airconditioning on watching that fabulous spunk of a British TV show Spooks, and when I woke up to my alarm and someone VACUUMING in my house at 7.30 i rolled over, put my pillow over my head and went back to sleep." THAT kind of running late, you know the kind.

Anyway, this was at 8.40. By 8.45 i was starting to try and hurry a little, but couldn't help noticing when i caught sight of myself in a mirror that i NEEDED a headband today. I went upstairs and got my headband, looked fabulous, and went to the front door. I know this is getting a little long-winded people, but stay with me.

Somewhere in between the bathroom and the front door, I lost my keys. It now being 8.50, I did what any normal person would do: i picked up my spare key from the drawer where all organised people such as myself keep "spare things," decided i didn't need a house key because someone would be home when i got home tonight, and walked out the front door (which, unamusingly, locks itself).

Now, I realised as I was sitting in my car listening to the engine turn over and over and over and over and over (notice the distinct absence of FIRING here), that my car was taking rather an unusually long time to start. In fact, it most definitely Would Not Start. My super-dooper-newish-but-new-and-exciting-to-me-beautiful car was broken. Unimpressed, i did what every girl does when her car breaks down, I called my dad. My dad however, had just got on a plane. So then I called my mum. Then I called the RACV. Then I waited. And waited some more. And WAITED SOME MORE DAMMIT.

5-30 minutes they say. Over an hour says I.

Anyway, at just before 10am, a lovely gentleman from the RACV takes one look at my car and says, "it doesn't recognise ya key, love." Long story short, my spare key doesn't un-immobilise the automatic immobiliser in my car. I CAN'T DRIVE MY CAR WITH MY SPARE KEY. The doors open, the power goes on, Hell, I can sit and drain the battery for an hour with no problems, but I can't go anywhere.


So i waited another 45 minutes for my mum to come home with a house key (geez i'm glad there's a good coffee shop near my house, it was getting HOT by this stage!), so that I could walk in and find my full set of keys on the bathroom bench, right where I had left them.

That is THE last time i decide to wear a headband to work.

1 comment:

Apotheosis said...

What a day! Least you can't complain about being bored to death. And besides you're flying off on holidays soon, so its all good :P