Tuesday, January 09, 2007


My Christmas present from my brother arrived yesterday... yes, it was a little late, but it's ok, I won't hold it against him. I was totally surprised... totally. And i don't get that many presents that are a TOTAL surprise, and so.... secretive.

SO do you want to know what it is?

Do you?

I'm guessing you do....

It was the book of PostSecret. THat's right, the website I have spent so many hours trawling over the last couple of years has a book.

I don't know why i'm so intrigued by this blog... by the secrets of all of these random people, except that possibly because time I read them, I'm reading my own secrets... they're my secrets, but I've never sent them a postcard. I've thought about it many times, but never quite got there. I have so many secrets from so many different people. In fact, I don't think there is anybody in the world that knows everything about me, and I like it.

When I read this book, it reminds me that there are thousands of other people in the world feeling exactly the same way I am at any moment.

I guess i'm not as unique as I thought...


Apotheosis said...

Its not random to read other peoples public secrets. Not unique or odd at all.

Tammiodo said...

I don't mean that it's random to read secrets... i mean that it's random to think that those secrets belong to other people, but they could just as easily belong to me!

Apotheosis said...
