Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Why won't it just hurry up?

I can’t quite get over how slowly this morning is going. I seem to have done so much, and yet it’s only 11am. Am I being more efficient than usual? Has my body, or my brain for that matter, gone into shock because I actually came to work on time and got straight into doing ACTUAL WORK? Or perhaps Father Time just know that I am leaving at 3.15 today, and is therefore punishing me by making my day go as slowly as possible.

I would be grateful to anyone who can provide me with answers of any description please.

And now, I think I might go and write some ridiculously long-winded emails to my friends. And then look at the weather. And then make a ridiculously large coffee. And then read some random blogs. Dammit. I’ll do anything to avoid this HORRENDOUS WORK BUSINESS.

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