Thursday, September 07, 2006


Uninspired. That's what I am. N

othing is wonderful, nothing is terrible.

I don't have anything to complain about, but nor do I have anything to exclaim about.

It's just blah.

blah blah blah blah

So, dear readers, until I find some inspiration (i'm open to any form), posting may be somewhat haphazard.

Apologies in advance, and do know that I still love you all.

Yes. even you.

Love me.


BEVIS said...

Sorry if the latest news from the Big Blogger House didn't help ...


Tammiodo said...

ah but perhaps I will be the person who is secretly spirited back into the house... or perhaps not.

BEVIS said...

Back into the House? You wish!

I can't keep writing this thing forever, you know!!


Tammiodo said...

that's why i said... or perhaps not!!!

i think you should write it forever and ever and ever, because that's how long it seems like Big Brother is going to go, and Big Blogger is infinitely more entertaining!!!

kiki said...

maybe you could write something about frogs, being uninvited into houses and eventually taking over

creating a frogtopia style house

probably in north queensland. frogs prefer it up there

but it's your story, you do what you want with it

Anonymous said...

i think you should have plenty of revelations for tomorrows blog tam!