To laugh often and much.
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children.
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends.
To appreciate beauty and find the best in others.
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child or a garden patch.
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson had it right.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Live to work, work to live.
Work. Ugh. Why do we do it to ourselves?
I am a firm believer in working to live, not living to work... in theory at least. However, somehow I start work at 8.30 in the morning (apart from the two mornings when I start teaching at 7.30)and rarely finish before 8.30 at night... i pass up doing things with friends during the week because I'm too tired from work, and I don't want to be utterly exhausted the next day, and yet I call this working to live? Sure... I live on the weekends, but during the week I work. Full Stop.
I think that what it must come down to is that obviously, work is a huge part of my life, and despite the amount that I complain about it, (which varies from minute to enormous depending on the day!), I do actually really love my job(s), and whilst I could quite easily give up either of them, I wouldn't. Hence, I haven't.
I love the variety that having two jobs gives me... and whilst none of the people at my 9-5(ish) job are the types of people I would normally associate with, and some of them they're not even really people I like all that much, and I'm quite prone to be a bit snappy when I'm under stress, particularly if I don't like a person. Some of them though, I really do quite like. I also understand that sometimes the way I feel is due to the fact that I'm their superior (for many of them), which must be quite odd for them, especially given that some of them have known me since I was 3 or 4 years old, and even now I'm only 23. The reason I'm in this business is because one day I'm planning on it being mine (likely jointly with my dear brother), and I already know alot more about it, particularly the day to day running of it, than many of them will ever know. The stress is created when I know when there are problems that nobody else knows about, but the flipside of this is that I get to share in the excitement when there are deals coming up that nobody else knows about. I like dealing with our customers, I like dealing with suppliers, if for no other reason than that usually by the time I'm dealing with someone, it's because there's a problem, a challenge. It's frustrating, but it's fun. I'm happy enough to do things like check my email at midnight and 6am because that's what's needed... and if there's one thing I have no patience for, it's people who are incompetent, particularly professionally.
On the other hand, I have my relatively low-stress "fun" job. I love teaching, I really do. I love that every lesson is different, every child I deal with is different and has to be dealt with and taught slightly differently. It annoys me that there is so much travel involved, but that's of my own making, and whilst I didn't plan it that way, it's really just too difficult to change now. Often though I can be totally exhausted after a stressful day at work, and seirously consider cancelling lessons. More often than not though, by the time I've finished my first or second lesson of the afternoon, I'm totally re-energised and get right into it, and whilst I'm still exhausted when I finish, I've enjoyed the afternoon. If I'm stressed, it's given me 3 or 4 hours of totally occupying my mind with something else, but something else worthwhile. My teaching involves very little work outside of the actual lesson time, so in this way, it's really the ideal way to complement my "real" job (and from which I derive as much income as my "real" job, for only 2/3 of the hours!).
So 65 or 70 hours a week of work, plus work at home, never being able to chuck a sicky when I'm not sick (living with your boss kind of puts the kybosh on that little gem), plus constant work discussions out of hours, constantly being on call for when any of the sales guys have a problem with their computers at 10pm (didn't you know i'm an IT expert too!). All of this, but you know what? This is my life, and at the moment, I wouldn't change it at all...
Alternatively, I might move overseas and start up a dive shop... who's with me?
I am a firm believer in working to live, not living to work... in theory at least. However, somehow I start work at 8.30 in the morning (apart from the two mornings when I start teaching at 7.30)and rarely finish before 8.30 at night... i pass up doing things with friends during the week because I'm too tired from work, and I don't want to be utterly exhausted the next day, and yet I call this working to live? Sure... I live on the weekends, but during the week I work. Full Stop.
I think that what it must come down to is that obviously, work is a huge part of my life, and despite the amount that I complain about it, (which varies from minute to enormous depending on the day!), I do actually really love my job(s), and whilst I could quite easily give up either of them, I wouldn't. Hence, I haven't.
I love the variety that having two jobs gives me... and whilst none of the people at my 9-5(ish) job are the types of people I would normally associate with, and some of them they're not even really people I like all that much, and I'm quite prone to be a bit snappy when I'm under stress, particularly if I don't like a person. Some of them though, I really do quite like. I also understand that sometimes the way I feel is due to the fact that I'm their superior (for many of them), which must be quite odd for them, especially given that some of them have known me since I was 3 or 4 years old, and even now I'm only 23. The reason I'm in this business is because one day I'm planning on it being mine (likely jointly with my dear brother), and I already know alot more about it, particularly the day to day running of it, than many of them will ever know. The stress is created when I know when there are problems that nobody else knows about, but the flipside of this is that I get to share in the excitement when there are deals coming up that nobody else knows about. I like dealing with our customers, I like dealing with suppliers, if for no other reason than that usually by the time I'm dealing with someone, it's because there's a problem, a challenge. It's frustrating, but it's fun. I'm happy enough to do things like check my email at midnight and 6am because that's what's needed... and if there's one thing I have no patience for, it's people who are incompetent, particularly professionally.
On the other hand, I have my relatively low-stress "fun" job. I love teaching, I really do. I love that every lesson is different, every child I deal with is different and has to be dealt with and taught slightly differently. It annoys me that there is so much travel involved, but that's of my own making, and whilst I didn't plan it that way, it's really just too difficult to change now. Often though I can be totally exhausted after a stressful day at work, and seirously consider cancelling lessons. More often than not though, by the time I've finished my first or second lesson of the afternoon, I'm totally re-energised and get right into it, and whilst I'm still exhausted when I finish, I've enjoyed the afternoon. If I'm stressed, it's given me 3 or 4 hours of totally occupying my mind with something else, but something else worthwhile. My teaching involves very little work outside of the actual lesson time, so in this way, it's really the ideal way to complement my "real" job (and from which I derive as much income as my "real" job, for only 2/3 of the hours!).
So 65 or 70 hours a week of work, plus work at home, never being able to chuck a sicky when I'm not sick (living with your boss kind of puts the kybosh on that little gem), plus constant work discussions out of hours, constantly being on call for when any of the sales guys have a problem with their computers at 10pm (didn't you know i'm an IT expert too!). All of this, but you know what? This is my life, and at the moment, I wouldn't change it at all...
Alternatively, I might move overseas and start up a dive shop... who's with me?
Thursday, April 26, 2007
So hot right now.
OH MY GOODNESS it's been forever since I last wrote anything bloggy. I keep thinking to myself, "ooh i should write about that," but then the real world takes over and I get back to being busy or just sinning. So today I am going to sin all afternoon (work-wise) and pull together a bit of a SO HOT or SO NOT type thingy to entertain you all. I know - I'm so WHO Magazine. It's ok, you can thank me later.
And for any of you who were wondering, blogthings has again provided me with true insight to myself and my ways - I hope this helps anybody who is considering buying me a present.
- The weather right now: I know it's terrible for the drought, but I am SO enjoying my weekends out in the sun. That said, I also love going outside at night when there's that chill to the air.
- Public holidays, whatever the reason.
- Seeing people you haven't seen in forever and ever - there's something about the people you've known for a long time... they just know you, and somehow make you realise that you've missed them, even though they've been there all along.
- HATS! I love that soon it's going to be cold enough to wear them all the time. Now all I need to do is buy some... I have an abundance of beanies, but they're not so good for wearing out!
- Forgetting that your brother had already organised a present for your mum's birthday which is on Sunday, so you needn't stress about something last minute.
- Itunes music store - i love that i can pick a song or an album, no matter how obscure, and be listening to it legally within minutes. Some recent downloads have included David Gray, Avril Lavigne, Rob Thomas and Andrea Bocelli.
- Themed parties - I went to one on Saturday night that was a "hip hop" party. Apparently i looked "so Fergie" (I think that was because of the side ponytail and the fact that i was wearing my hot HOT sunglasses inside). This was, almost unexpectedly, a fabulous night.
- emails and text messages and skype - these three things keep me connected to my friends and family that I would possibly otherwise not get a chance to talk to much at all.
- Movies that you think are going to be crap but end up being really, really good. Last night I saw the Number 23 with Jim Carrey in it. Prior to this, just about everything I've ever seen of his has been crap. I am pleased to say that this man can actually act, and this movie really is quite thrilling, not to mention mind-bending. Probably not one for those who are prone to obsession to see, but it's a fabulous concept!
- Gold 104 - I know, it's tragic, say no more (go on listen to it, you know you want to!)
- Snoop dog was denied entry to our fair country after failing a "character test." Personally, I don't feel that we're missing out.
- Heh heh someone found a condom in a happy meal - I guess someone took the preparation of that meal a bit too literally.
- Port Phillip Bay Channel Deepening - this will be detrimental to the health of the bay, and particularly to the extensive diving industry in Victoria (see for more info)
- Wetsuit tan ie. really suntanned face and hands with pasty white in between and yes, it's been commented upon
- Tunic-y type things with tights on people that really shouldn't be wearing tunic-y type things with tights. Unless you have REALLY skinny legs, do the sensible, considerate and MUCH more flattering thing: wear them with pants or jeans. Also, note that the tights need to be OPAQUE, and not stockings, unless you want to look like you're wearing the shortest dress in history (again, not a good look for most people).
- friends who went to Beyonce last night and have the day off work sending text messages that read like this: "it's a hard life...I've slept in, been to the gym and am about to have a manicure." DAMN YOU TO HELL I'm at work!
- having a cool car stereo sitting on your desk at work for the last 6 months and either forgetting or not having time to have it put in. Does anybody want to help me out here people?
- Forgetting that you have multiple things planned on Friday night. Multiple things that are supposed to happen at the same time. Oops.
- Car windows being frosted in the mornings... even putting my windows down doesn't help because the mirrors are fogged too!
- Having to drag people in and out of the beach in diving gear with the mother of all hangovers from aforementioned hip hop partay.
- People who are late - twice in the last two weeks I have been giving random divers lifts to various dive sites. One group was half an hour late (morning after a big night before, so i REALLY could have done with the extra sleep) and the other was 20 minutes late. I think it is just downright RUDE to be late at all at that time of morning - what excuse could there possibly be? Not only that, but it is EXCEPTIONALLY rude to not even call or sms to say that you're going to be late, and not apologise PROFUSELY once you get there. This is one reason why I don't like giving people lifts, and every time I do, I give myself another reason not to offer next time.
- Myspace - I just don't get it, I really don't. I mean, I have a myspace page- I think I spent half an hour a year or so ago setting it up, and haven't looked at it since. I just don't understand the cult, the obsesson. I've heard stories of people who become addicted to it and who spend hours and hours each day checking out other peoples' myspace pages and posting comments and replying to comments and people killing others over not being in their top friends list. SERIOULY. Therefore, am choosing to give it a probably unnecessarily wide berth
- Big Bother is on again. Yes, that's right.... AGAIN. WHEN WILL YOU PEOPLE HAVE HAD ENOUGH?????????
And for any of you who were wondering, blogthings has again provided me with true insight to myself and my ways - I hope this helps anybody who is considering buying me a present.
The True Tammy |
![]() You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. With respect to money, you save for a rainy day. You think good luck doesn't exist - reality is built on practicalities. The hidden side of your personality tends to be a little selfish. You only do what interests you. You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match. |
Heh heh funny. Pretty much all of these things is true, apart from the saving money for a rainy day bit.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My mate bob.
What do you call an armless legless man in a swimming pool?
ARGH i love bad jokes. Seriously... they are one of my reasons for living!
ARGH i love bad jokes. Seriously... they are one of my reasons for living!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Love vs. Hate
Things that annoy the fuck out of me:
1. Incompetence.
I am quite an impatient person (duh). Mistakes don't bother me too much, ONCE. If someone can admit they've made a mistake and make an effort to fix it and make sure it doesn't happen again, then that's life. However, i have absolutely no time whatsoever for people who are totally incompetent but actually think they are really, really good (particularly professionally), and don't hesitate to freely give of that opinion and impression in every way, shape and form. If they make the same (multiple) mistakes over and over again, it makes me want to smash their smug little face in. We all make mistakes, only morons can't (or don't) fix them.
2. People who say they will do things but then don't.
I have one main expectation of my friends (and expecting them to come out to dinner at lovely restaurants and get drunk with me doesn't count). That is, that if you say you are going to do something, I can as good as assume it's done. I would not have thought this was a particularly hard thing to live up to, but apparently, it's more difficult than it would seem at first glance. I don't care if you're not going to do something, really I don't. However, don't say you will, and then not do it. Even if it's a maybe, tell me maybe. If it's a no, tell me no. Don't say yes unless you mean it. NO EXCEPTIONS. Perhaps I'm just easily disappointed?
3. Gloriously happy people.
This is self explanatory. Gloriously happy people (particularly those in love) are just nauseating. It's lovely for you, really it is, but please stay away from me unless you are bringing copious amounts of alcohol and/or chocolate.
4. People who talk to me like I'm stupid.
There are actually very few of these people left in my life. Either they've worked out that I am actually reasonably intelligent, or I just stay away with them because some people are too stupid to be taught. I am not an idiot, nor am I 12. However, even if I was, there is no need to talk to me like a child.
5. People who do nothing but complain.
I realise this is slightly hypocritical from someone who has a blog on which she mainly complains about the people and things in her life, but some people really do seem to do nothing but complain about every tiny little thing. Seriously, life isn't that bad is it? And if it is, do something about it.
Things I love:
1. Going shopping for cheap shoes, having good coffee and yummy breakfast with my lovely sister of whom I don't see nearly enough because she lives in a far away hot and sticky land.
2. Along the same vein, having my whole family together in the one room. I saw my other sister last week for the first time in four months... and we live in the SAME CITY. I think this makes me officially a terrible person!
3. Being somewhere along the bottom of the ocean - this sport really feels like home to me... it's what I am supposed to have been doing and am supposed to keep on doing forever and ever. It's a beautiful feeling.
4. The cold bite to the air at night at this time of year. There is nothing I love more than standing outside on a slightly foggy and chilly night and breathing fresh air.
5. My beautiful, glorious, loving and caring friends.
Ahhh, now I feel cleansed and relaxed and happy. Ick.
1. Incompetence.
I am quite an impatient person (duh). Mistakes don't bother me too much, ONCE. If someone can admit they've made a mistake and make an effort to fix it and make sure it doesn't happen again, then that's life. However, i have absolutely no time whatsoever for people who are totally incompetent but actually think they are really, really good (particularly professionally), and don't hesitate to freely give of that opinion and impression in every way, shape and form. If they make the same (multiple) mistakes over and over again, it makes me want to smash their smug little face in. We all make mistakes, only morons can't (or don't) fix them.
2. People who say they will do things but then don't.
I have one main expectation of my friends (and expecting them to come out to dinner at lovely restaurants and get drunk with me doesn't count). That is, that if you say you are going to do something, I can as good as assume it's done. I would not have thought this was a particularly hard thing to live up to, but apparently, it's more difficult than it would seem at first glance. I don't care if you're not going to do something, really I don't. However, don't say you will, and then not do it. Even if it's a maybe, tell me maybe. If it's a no, tell me no. Don't say yes unless you mean it. NO EXCEPTIONS. Perhaps I'm just easily disappointed?
3. Gloriously happy people.
This is self explanatory. Gloriously happy people (particularly those in love) are just nauseating. It's lovely for you, really it is, but please stay away from me unless you are bringing copious amounts of alcohol and/or chocolate.
4. People who talk to me like I'm stupid.
There are actually very few of these people left in my life. Either they've worked out that I am actually reasonably intelligent, or I just stay away with them because some people are too stupid to be taught. I am not an idiot, nor am I 12. However, even if I was, there is no need to talk to me like a child.
5. People who do nothing but complain.
I realise this is slightly hypocritical from someone who has a blog on which she mainly complains about the people and things in her life, but some people really do seem to do nothing but complain about every tiny little thing. Seriously, life isn't that bad is it? And if it is, do something about it.
Things I love:
1. Going shopping for cheap shoes, having good coffee and yummy breakfast with my lovely sister of whom I don't see nearly enough because she lives in a far away hot and sticky land.
2. Along the same vein, having my whole family together in the one room. I saw my other sister last week for the first time in four months... and we live in the SAME CITY. I think this makes me officially a terrible person!
3. Being somewhere along the bottom of the ocean - this sport really feels like home to me... it's what I am supposed to have been doing and am supposed to keep on doing forever and ever. It's a beautiful feeling.
4. The cold bite to the air at night at this time of year. There is nothing I love more than standing outside on a slightly foggy and chilly night and breathing fresh air.
5. My beautiful, glorious, loving and caring friends.
Ahhh, now I feel cleansed and relaxed and happy. Ick.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Sin Sin Sin
If I were to tell you what THE true original sin was, I would then be forced to admit that I am the most sinful of sinners. Most people who know me probably wouldn't think I was particularly evil - perhaps a little light-hearted sinning takes place every now and then (or more often than not!), but the original sin? The truly, hard-core, down and dirty first and bestest (or worstest!) sin of all sins?
Ok - who can tell me what is the original sin?
I'll give you a hint: my bedroom is where I do the majority of my original sinning.
Any other guesses (and sex before marriage isn't a sin!)?
Nope. According to M. Scott Peck, laziness is where it's at. If you want to be the ultimate sinner, you've got to just stop doing anything. So every time I lie in bed at night looking at the piles of stuff all over the floor and my desk and think "it's really time I did some washing," every time I consider getting out the vacuum cleaner but leave it for another time, every time I think about what I can do to put off studying... yep i'm sinning in it's most original form.
I think I'm going to hell. Actually, sometimes I think I'm IN hell, but that's a whole different story! Besides, you go to heaven for the climate, but you go to hell for the company!
Ok - who can tell me what is the original sin?
I'll give you a hint: my bedroom is where I do the majority of my original sinning.
Any other guesses (and sex before marriage isn't a sin!)?
Nope. According to M. Scott Peck, laziness is where it's at. If you want to be the ultimate sinner, you've got to just stop doing anything. So every time I lie in bed at night looking at the piles of stuff all over the floor and my desk and think "it's really time I did some washing," every time I consider getting out the vacuum cleaner but leave it for another time, every time I think about what I can do to put off studying... yep i'm sinning in it's most original form.
I think I'm going to hell. Actually, sometimes I think I'm IN hell, but that's a whole different story! Besides, you go to heaven for the climate, but you go to hell for the company!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I just logged into blogger all set to do a post about how I'm so completely and utterly sick of everybody I work with and how every time one of them opens their mouths it makes me feel like my head with explode with frustration at the complete and utter stupidity and general... well... they're just DUMB people. It's really tough being SO much better than everybody else. Sometimes I don't know how I do it.
However, I vaguely recall a post somewhat along those lines quite recently... yes, the pain has been ongoing. Imagine being continuously stabbed in the eyes with a mixture of drawing pins and chillis, and you can perhaps get a small idea of what I go through.
So, in the same vain of procrastination that I have been trying to stick to lately and also given that i've googled just about everybody else I know, I googled myself. This is not something I have ever done before, and I must say, It was a particularly un-fascinating experience. In fact, it made me somewhat more depressed than I was before. I have always considered myself somewhat of an original. I don't like to be like other people, either by name or by any other means. This Google business was shocking to my poor simple soul, because it forced me to look at the results of a test I had been avoiding for years: I realised that I am not the only Tamara Bond in Australia, much less in the world. As anyone who has come to the realisation that everything their life has been based upon is a fabrication (purely of their own making) will know, this is a life-altering event.
Today my life changed. I'd like to say I care, but I'm not a liar.
However, I vaguely recall a post somewhat along those lines quite recently... yes, the pain has been ongoing. Imagine being continuously stabbed in the eyes with a mixture of drawing pins and chillis, and you can perhaps get a small idea of what I go through.
So, in the same vain of procrastination that I have been trying to stick to lately and also given that i've googled just about everybody else I know, I googled myself. This is not something I have ever done before, and I must say, It was a particularly un-fascinating experience. In fact, it made me somewhat more depressed than I was before. I have always considered myself somewhat of an original. I don't like to be like other people, either by name or by any other means. This Google business was shocking to my poor simple soul, because it forced me to look at the results of a test I had been avoiding for years: I realised that I am not the only Tamara Bond in Australia, much less in the world. As anyone who has come to the realisation that everything their life has been based upon is a fabrication (purely of their own making) will know, this is a life-altering event.
Today my life changed. I'd like to say I care, but I'm not a liar.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Good vs Bad
Things that have been brilliant about my weekend:
- Peking duck
- sav blanc
- Gin
- The people with whom I had aforemention three items
- Sleeping in and then talking on the phone for hours on a saturday morning
- katsudon and ika tempura
- Skype
- Singing Billy Joel at the top of my voice in my car
- A submarine and a wreck
- being home on a Sunday night
- Being home on a sunday night in a clean room with clean sheets
Things that sucked about my weekend:
- Being so hungover from Friday night that I piked on Saturday night
- the drive to Queenscliff by myself
- Totally fucking up something that looks so very, very deceivingly easy
That's about it. The goods definitely outweigh the bads. Yay.
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