Friday, April 13, 2007

Sin Sin Sin

If I were to tell you what THE true original sin was, I would then be forced to admit that I am the most sinful of sinners. Most people who know me probably wouldn't think I was particularly evil - perhaps a little light-hearted sinning takes place every now and then (or more often than not!), but the original sin? The truly, hard-core, down and dirty first and bestest (or worstest!) sin of all sins?

Ok - who can tell me what is the original sin?

I'll give you a hint: my bedroom is where I do the majority of my original sinning.

Any other guesses (and sex before marriage isn't a sin!)?

Nope. According to M. Scott Peck, laziness is where it's at. If you want to be the ultimate sinner, you've got to just stop doing anything. So every time I lie in bed at night looking at the piles of stuff all over the floor and my desk and think "it's really time I did some washing," every time I consider getting out the vacuum cleaner but leave it for another time, every time I think about what I can do to put off studying... yep i'm sinning in it's most original form.

I think I'm going to hell. Actually, sometimes I think I'm IN hell, but that's a whole different story! Besides, you go to heaven for the climate, but you go to hell for the company!

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