Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's a goddamn famine.

So... I've just been reading about the Purple Patch. I'd never heard of this phenomenon before... surprising really, since I've been experiencing one.

So apparently it's either feast or famine... the trouble is... i don't have any shortage of guys who WOULD sleep with me... I've just got to the point where I don't want just any guy. I don't want random pashes and casual sex... i want a relationship.

Are my standards too high? Is there such thing as a guy who will ever meet my standards AND likes me back? Should I lower my standards?

I have a terrible habit of becoming so friendly with guys i "like," that we go way beyond the point where anything could ever happen between us, because we're such good "mates." I know that everybody says the best relationships are based on friendships, but I'm just not the sort of person that can start something like that. Which leaves me in a terribly awfully horribly difficult position... don't be TOO friendly (which is entirely against my nature), so as not to ruin my chances of being able to make a move there, OR be doomed to a life of wonderful mates and friendships with guys (most of my friends are guys), and be the eternally single girl.

NB. i know it's not all as terrible as this... i'm just feeling the loneliness at the moment. I mean, i just got an email about erectile solutions, and there's not even anybody I can have a "not needed here" joke with.

so sad.


kiki said...

i'm going through a 'purple patch'


Anonymous said...

purple is a nice colour