Thursday, May 10, 2007

A tribute (not to me for a change!)

As it is nearly mothers day, I thought I would write a small tribute. Not to my mum, but to my dad (makes sense to me).

This tribute will be in the form of dad jokes. That's right, you all know them, and I'm pretty sure you all have dads who make them. If you're lucky, you won't have inherited that particular bad gene, if you're unlucky, like me, you will find yourself unable to resist the urge to crack a really terrible joke at the most inopportune moments.

Without further ado, some standard comments with "dad jokes" responses:

Me: "Oh cool!"
Dad: "Actually, it's quite hot today"

Me: "See, I'm not just a pretty face..."
Dad: "Some would say not even..."

Me: *walks into the kitchen in the morning with beautiful peep toe shoes on*
Dad: "You look nice, but your toes are going to get cold"

Me: *walks into the kitchen with 3/4 pants on*
Dad response #1: "Ooh I think your pants shrunk"
Dad response #2: "Couldn't you afford a whole pair of pants Tam?"

Seriously... people need only listen to my dad for about four seconds before they work out where I got my sense of humour from. My mum finds it particularly frustrating, because often the things that Dad and I find funny, she doesn't. At all. Perhaps this is because they are often at her expense, but dammit... she's just provides TOO many opportunities!

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