Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Oh how I wish I was this creative....

Unfortunately, I'm just a spaz at knitting anything at all. Somehow I pick up stitches all over the place... One row I have 20 stitches, the next row i have 24 and 10 rows later I'm up to 47 stitches. I think I'm beyond education in this.


Simon. said...

who made these?

mskp said...

i love how the tiger just looks sort of confused and shocked at having eaten someone.

Tammiodo said...

I'm afraid I have no idea who made them, my Fishy Friend. I was merely sent the photos of these lovely (and yet somewhat disturbing) creations by one of my friends.

And Mskp, I think the teddy bear looks somewhat surprised to have his head half lopped off by a saw, but the rabbit saw it coming a mile off, and resigned himself to a slow and painful death from carrotine poisoning. Ahh the tragedy.

kiki said...

where can one obtain these as i don't knit either

i can, but refuse to purely on the premise that i'm a macho bloke

Tammiodo said...

but Kiki how do you know you CAN if you refuse to on machoism grounds? (i don't know if that's a word... but hey, who's getting fussy?)

and I don't know where you can obtain one from... TERRRRRRRIBLY sorry.

sublime-ation said...

kin hell those are the awesomist. The bar has been raised.