Friday, May 26, 2006

Confession time.

I have been inspired by the lovely Ms. Fits and her Confessions Booth. As such, i have some confessions to make:

-I confess that I can get things done when I need to, but I'd much rather mooch around, eat vegemite toast, and read good books in bed than do anything else.
-I confess that I like to claim I'm a nice person, and I can be, but I can also be the bitchiest of bitches.
-I confess that I prefer to be friends with people who are left of centre, unusual, or downright devilish to keep me entertained. That said, i do think I have some of the best friends in the world, but there's always room for more.
-I confess that when I'm in a bad mood i pick fights at my mum, just because I know she's someone I can get angry at who will still love me tomorrow. That said, often my bad mood was caused by her in the first place, so the anger is not too hard to find.
-I confess that I'm jealous of some of my friends' relationships. In fact, at the moment, i'm pretty jealous of anyone in a relationship of any description.
-I confess that I love trashy gossip magazines. I can recall hundreds of random and useless facts at the blink of an eye.
-I confess that I have a bit of an internerd crush on a fellow blogger.
-I confess that I've had my next tattoo planned for a couple of years now, but one of my friends just got the same one. He didn't know I had it planned, and there was absolutely no reason he shouldn't get it, even if he had known how much I wanted it, but I don't want it to look like i'm copying. And he reads this blog, so I know he will see this.
-I confess that I find it hard to meet new people. I loathe going into a room or going to a party where there is a group of people I dont' know. I get painfully shy, or just say completely stupid things, trying to pretend i'm not unbelievably uncomfortable. I would rather stay at home with my parents. Once I know people and they know me, I become very outgoing. It's also easier on a one-to-one basis. But in a group? I just can't do it.

OK. i think that's enough of bearing my soul for one day.


kiki said...

you have a crush on me?

Anonymous said...


Hooray for vegemite toast and good books and bed! I have a new wireless laptop so I sit in bed reading and blogging.

I have a (rare) meeting now, but when I get back will post some confessions of my own. It's cathartic, really.

Tammiodo said...

Yes, Toby i also love ye olde wireless laptop in trick.

And Kiki, it may or may not be you.*

*more likely the not, at this stage though... Don't be hurt though, there's plenty of time for my crush on you to develop. After all, I only met you yesterday (i'm talking meet in a blogging-sense).

Tammiodo said...

I've just realised i used the wrong baring. I meant baring my soul, not bearing my soul.

Anonymous said...

you have a crush on me? aww i'm stoked. :-)

ps. i love you, have since the moment i first read your blog.

Tammiodo said...

thankyou brother dearest... it's so nice to know that it took a blog and a couple of extra trips home in the middle of the day to get you to love me!

Anonymous said...

who ever said i was your brother? i dont see my nickname being typed in as "tammys brother"... i could be some other random jason... in fact, yes, i am. My name is Jason Xiao, i come from province of Sum Hung Diong in north-western Ow-Waa province (China). I am 33 year old goat herder. I like to offer you some goat cheese. Special plice for you young bond.

Tammiodo said...

And jase... i think you should confess something. You to kiki. Toby has already said he's going to, so i trust that he will.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tammiodo says:
it's a post about confessions. you have to confess something.

did i not just confess to being a 33 year old Goat-herder from town of Sum Hung Diong in Ow-Waa province?

Tammiodo said...

yes but i know that you're not :-p

Anonymous said...

what is this, a witch hunt now??

Anonymous said...

I had too many confessions.